When it comes to your oral health, seeing the right type of professional for your needs is important.
Making the decision to see a periodontist or a dentist for your oral aches and pains can become confusing. While they both care for oral health, a periodontist is specially trained to deal with problems affecting the soft tissues in your mouth and can perform a variety of oral surgery procedures. A dentist is trained to meet overall oral health care needs by diagnosing, preventing and treating oral diseases and conditions.
Here are a few common situations that require the help of a periodontistinstead of a dentist:
Your Gums Are Bleeding and/or Swollen
If your gums are sensitive, swollen and bleed easily, it’s time to see a periodontist right away. All these symptoms are common indications of gum disease. The first stage of gingivitis can be reversible, but once you pass that, it is essential to seek help immediately to eradicate the disease. If you sense you could be experiencing symptoms of sensitive gums, that are swollen and bleed easily, you should go to a periodontist to get help.
Your Gumline Is Receding
It’s normal for the gum line to recede as you grow older, but if you notice your gum recession is more sudden and accompanied by discomfort or swelling, you may have periodontal disease. Your periodontist can perform a thorough examination to confirm your diagnosis and provide you with a recommended personalized treatment plan. When diagnosed, your periodontist will help you aid your mouth back to health.
You Have Lost a Tooth
If your teeth feel loose or if you have lost a tooth due to periodontal disease, you may be a good candidate for dental implants. Keep in mind that your periodontist will need to treat your gum disease prior to placing implants to ensure they stay secure and your mouth remains healthy. If implants are placed before the diseased gum tissue is treated, your chances of experiencing dental implant failure increases exponentially. Dental implants, when placed and secured will create strength back in your mouth and allow you to enjoy all the foods you love again.
Call Us Today
If you have any questions about whether you need oral care from a periodontist or dentist, we’d love to help you make the decision that is best for you. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Blieden by calling our practice today.